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you’re not from around here aren’t you
可以问他  detail>>
what are you hanging around here for
你在这儿转来转去干什么  detail>>
you left from here from me to you
对你来说离开了这里就离开了我  detail>>
now you are scared aren’t you
怕了吧  detail>>
you are up a stump, aren’t you
你不好受吧  detail>>
aren t you concerned about it
难道你不担心吗  detail>>
here am i ,a lifetime away from you
我在这里,与你相距一生  detail>>
and you aren’t had enough to eat
你就不会有足够的感觉  detail>>
here with you
和你在一起 有你真好  detail>>
here you are
递东西时 给你 给您  detail>>
that you are here
让你离开了我  detail>>
you are here
您的位置 您现在位置  detail>>
and when you come around
当你走近  detail>>
are you sick of everyone around
你厌倦了你身边所有的人吗  detail>>
baby if you turn around
宝贝,倘若你转过身来  detail>>
follow you all around
总是跟在你左右,  detail>>
i need to be around you
我需要在你的身边 我要在你的身边 我要在你左右  detail>>
maybe if you turn around
或许当你转过身来  detail>>